01ESG Relevance Scores

ESG Relevance Scores, our proprietary integrated scoring system, show how ESG factors impact individual credit rating decisions. Learn more about how Fitch transparently and systematically integrate ESG factors into its credit risk analysis and ratings across asset classes and sectors below.

Fitch Solutions

ESG Relevance Scores Data

Fixed income ESG data can be disparate, difficult to obtain, and hard to work with. Our Relevance Scores Data helps close the gap, providing a value-neutral view on how different ESG risk issues specifically impact credit.

02Climate Vulnerability Signals


Climate Vulnerability Signals

Climate Vulnerability Signals assess the relative vulnerability of sectors’ and entities’ financial profiles to a stress scenario incorporating reasonably foreseeable risks arising from climate-related developments up to 2050.

03Fitch Learning on ESG


CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing

Fitch Learning is the first training provider to provide training solutions for the CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing, building on years of experience in delivering professional qualifications such as the CFA® Program and the IMC.

Fitch Learning Public Course

Fundamentals of ESG Investing

This course examines the motivations and challenges behind ESG investing and is designed for financial services practitioners across the industry looking to improve their understanding of ESG issues.

CFA ESG Qualification Training

CFA Certificate in Climate and Investing

The CFA Certificate in Climate and Investing is designed for practitioners working in investment roles who need to understand and undertake climate analysis in their day-to-day roles.

Partner Video

ESG Investing

Andrew Steel, Head of Sustainable Finance at Fitch Ratings, discusses sustainable credit.